Family Adventure – Family opens up to a new level of love

As the summer of my Leslie's 21st birthday approached, she started giving subtle hints about taking a cruise to celebrate. Leslie is a beautiful young lady standing five foot six inches tall with short brown hair that just touches her shoulders. She has a cute figure just like my wife and probably has a D cup. I say that because my wife, Candy, is a good C and Leslie looks bigger. Yes I look, what red blooded man doesn't?

I own my own company and have done quite well for myself and my family. I am a forty two year old, clean-cut, average Joe who eats right and I take care of his body. I have a fitness center membership where I run 5 miles daily. I don't smoke but I do drink every once in a while and I love eating seafood.

I had already booked a cruise before prices skyrocketed but kept it from the entire family. A cruise was going to happen for the three of us and maybe Leslie's friend Tabitha, Tabs as we called her. I was planning on telling them about the trip tonight during dinner and since Tabs eats at our house, she will learn of the trip as well.

Candy was in the kitchen with Leslie toiling over supper when Tabs let herself in the front door. “How's it hanging Ray?” she asked walking by me, slapping at my foot. I was sitting in the den with my feet up, relaxing. It had been a long day of meetings and this was my relaxation time.

“Low and full” I said as she looked at me out of the corner of her eyes, smiled, then continued into the kitchen. I have to admit that Tabs was a gorgeous young lady. She loves to show as much skin as possible and I figured who was I to tell her any different.

Tabs Is a dancer and her favorite clothes to wear were those spandex shorts and a tee shirt that had the arms cut out and tied above her waist in a knot. Inside her shirt, sometimes she wore a sports bra while other times she didn't . Her breasts weren't quite as big as Leslie's but when she didn't wear a sports bra, you could get a good side view of her breast just short of the nipple. Today as she went into the kitchen, I noticed she had on a shirt with the arms cut extra low but I didn't see a bra. My eyes sank quickly to her shorts that were fighting to hold in her fine ass.

I must have dozed off because the next thing I knew Candy standing at the kitchen entry calling my name. “Ray, Ray. I need your help in the kitchen.” I stood up and joined her there.

In the kitchen the girls were attempting to get Candy's new mixer to work and for some reason they thought I would know how it worked. Les and Tabs both told me what they had done as I was trying to make heads or tails of this beast. After moving a handle and pushing a part or two, then flipping a switch, it sprang to life.

It was at that moment I realized that no one had reminded me the content in the mixing bowl was mostly liquid. I guess I should have seen it but that was not why I was called to the kitchen. When the mixer started, it was on extra whip, sending all of the liquid out of the bowl. Tabs got hit with most of the liquid and I came in second with Les running away just in time to only get a small amount on her leg.

Tabs jumped and tried to deflect the flying fluids with her hands only to cause it to splash more and cover more of her body. I froze as it was over as quickly as it started. When Tabs stopped moving, her right breast had popped out of her shirt and was covered with liquid. We all noticed it at the same time but from my vantage point up close, I got the best view. Tabs arm quickly covered her breast and turned away to repack herself while I burned the image in my mind for later use.

When she turned around, our eyes locked and her mouth fell open. I went bug eyed as I just stared at her. Like a flash, my wife had gone to get towels, returned and was handing one to each of us. When I broke my stare, my wife was consoling Tabs and helping her dry off. “Oh sweetie, let's get you one of Ray's tee shirts to change into.”

My wife can defuse almost any situation with her kind words. As she talked to Tabs, they walked towards our bedroom to get her changed. I attempted to dry off as Les laughed and laughed “this is funnier than TV.” I smiled and chuckled at what it must look like while dabbing wet spots.

“Funny huh!” As I flicked the towel at her. We continued laughing as I attempted clean up on the liquid that was everywhere.

Back in the bedroom, Candy and Tabs were getting Tabs a dry tee shirt out of my dresser. As my wife opened each drawer to find my tee shirts, Tabs removed the wet shirt she was wearing and wiped off the liquid from her breast that was hit. “Can I use your bathroom, I need to clean off” looking down at her breasts.

Candy turned to look and said “yes, I think it would be best. I'll show you where everything is in the shower” She turned and went into our bathroom, Tabs in close pursuit. In the bathroom, Candy gave the quick tour, pointing out towels and wash hand towels, soap and told Tabs “your welcome to shower if you'd rather.”

Tabs said she might, she just felt sticky all over now. Candy opened the large walk in shower and made sure it was presentable then stepped back for Tabs to inspect. Tabs walked in, turned and said “oh yeah, I'm showering! This is a huge shower!”

Candy smiled and turned to leave so that Tabs could shower. She stopped at the door and turned to ask if she needed anything else and saw Tabs had already turned the water on and had stripped free of all her clothes. My wife's eyes immediately fell to Tabs clean shaven pussy. Forgetting what she was going to say, she apologized, shook her head then turned to leave.

Tabs said “can you do me a favor?” as she stood in the middle of the bathroom. My wife was steadily scanning this young beauty's body, soaking up all of her…attributes.

“Well that depends..” Candy trailed off. In her mind, she was thinking that she probably wants me to go wash her wet clothes them bring them back.

“I know it will sound weird but can you help me wash my hair?” as she took the large bun from her head. Her hair hung to the crack of her ass and it was thick.

“What do you mean, help you wash your hair?” with her head slightly turned.

“Well, my mom usually helps me because I can't get all the soap out of it when I wash it and it would look dirty.” Tabs had a very innocent look on her face. How could Candy deny that, she was a sucker for that innocent stare.

“What do I need to do?” She asked, thinking of all she really needed to be doing. She was hoping Les and I were cleaning the kitchen while she was helping Tabs.

“Well, I can wash it but I'll need help rinsing it” she said as she pulled her hair around her body and covered her right breast. She stroked her hair with her fingers, slowing as she crossed her nipples, then her eyes fixed on my wife. Naively, my wife agreed as it was just innocent help and after all, Tabs was like a daughter to us.

Tabs entered the shower and soaped up her body as my wife waited. Candy fiddled around the bathroom as our shower door is all glass with a non-steam accumulating film so she had full view of Tabs soaping up. Candy felt her insides getting warm as Tabs ran her soapy hands all over her body, careful to get in every crack. Turning her body ever so often, giving Candy a great 360 degree of her toned body.

Tabs was taking great pleasure in the fact that Candy could see her through the glass as she ran her fingers in her butt crack and over her pussy lips. She dipped her finger between her lips a time or two but wasn't sure if Candy saw her. When she soaped her breasts, she gave each extra squeezes and tugs, making sure Candy saw as she faced her.

When it came time it wash her hair, Tabs came to the door saying “I'm going to start the wash portion. It may take a while, I'll shout when I'm ready if you need to go do something else for now.” Candy actually had more to do but at this point, she'd rather stand here and watch this hard body let her hands caress every wet part. “Okay, I'll be right back” she said as she dashed out of the bathroom, jerked her shorts down and buried two fingers in her wet love tunnel. She needed relief in a bad way and she didn't care who saw her.

As she was bringing herself to a quick orgasm, I walked in on her. She was leaning against the bathroom door, shorts on the floor where she had kicked them, and two fingers covered in her juice as she plunged them in and out of her swollen lips. I froze then smiled from ear to ear as I crossed my arms and leaned against the door frame.

“Getting a little hot in the bathroom?” I said watching patiently. Candy was near orgasm so she didn't stop, only shook her head. “Well tell me all about it later” and I walked off shaking my head. Candy's orgasm rocketed through her body and made her knees weak, leaving her hungry for more.

As she recovered from her quickie, Candy turned and went back into the bathroom to help rinse Tabs' hair. As she reached the shower, she realized she had no pants on, at all. Tabs saw her coming and opened the door of the shower.

“Um, Candy, (she always called me Candy, said it just sounded sexy to say. Not my words, hers), when my mom helps me, she gets…oh, I see you were getting undressed. What I was going to say was my mom usually gets in our much smaller shower to help me.” “I like your bare pussy by the way, my mom's has a small patch and I keep telling her to shave it cause it tickles my ass when she's helping me.”

Candy felt a tingle go through her still wet pussy as Tabs described that event. Tabs said her mom would stand behind her and run her fingers through her hair and how it made her feel. Her mom would stand close enough that Tabs could feel her nipples as they would hard and she would press her mound into Tabs ass. Then her mom would turn Tabs to face her so she could make sure no soap was left behind. Their nipples would flick, causing them to gasp. Her mom always told her it was normal. Tabs said she never said anything to her mom about not doing it because it excited her so much.

Just as quick, Tabs smiled, tilted her head and said “Ready? Soap is starting to fall in my face.” Then she returned to the water and Candy almost ripped her remaining clothes off so she could get in there with her. Candy entered the shower as Tabs was turning around under the shower head to help get the rinsing session started.

Candy noticed that her nipples were hard as she was reliving the story in her head. She moved in behind Tabs and took her hair in her hands and Tabs laid her head back. Candy said “turn around, let's get the soap off the top of your head.”

Tabs turned and her nipples brushed Candy's, who gasped at the electricity it sent through her. “Are you okay?” Tabs asked, as if she had stepped on her toe. “I'm fine Tabs, must have been a shock to the water temperature” Candy said as she played it off so as not to embarrass herself.

Tabs leaned her head back again, this time causing her body to come in contact with Candy. Candy put her hands on Tabs head assisting in removing the soap, giving her breasts more play time with Tabs breasts. “Hey, your pussy feels slick and doesn't tickle me!” Tabs exclaimed as she looked down at Candy, not letting any new feeling slip by, “And your nipples feel just like mom's.”

Candy didn't know how to respond since that was not a compliment you would normally get. She did, however, take a mental note of how Tabs felt against her. This was the first time she had been with another woman, sure in college she kissed and saw naked women in the showers and in dorm rooms, but never this up closer and personal.

Then Tabs took it to the next level by wrapping her arms around Candy while she was still rinsing soap out of Tabs' hair while still facing her. The caused Candy to roll her eyes momentarily as the wave of sensual pleasure took over. Tabs continued by pressing her mound against Candy and moaning slightly. “Is this okay? I don't want to fall back” Tabs asked after the fact.

As Tabs continued to press into Candy's mound, Candy started to press back. Her eyes still closed, Candy bit her lower lip as she felt her pussy lips become slippery. She knew that she was definitely getting turned on as her juices began to flow again. Tabs hands slid down Candy's back and came to rest on her ass. Candy opened her eyes to see Tabs looking into her eyes “is this okay Candy?” and she started kneading her cheeks.

Candy's mind was on overdrive telling her this was wrong but her body was betraying her as her hands slipped from Tabs hair and moved down and around to her breasts. When her hands reached her breasts, Tabs pressed harder against Candy's mound. Tabs pulled Candy's ass cheeks apart as she pressed their mounds together. They were mound fucking in the shower and Candy had lost her senses as she caressed Tabs' breasts. She leaned in and kissed Tabs without thinking, much like she did when we fucked in the shower. Tabs kissed her back and their tongues met for a long slow kiss.

Candy tweaked Tabs nipples causing Tabs to wince in pleasure. Her tongue drove deeper into Candy's mouth. They were on the edge of an orgasm when a knock came from the bathroom door.

I was trying to hurry whatever was going on in there up so Les didn't get suspicious. Les is sort of an airhead so she hasn't given the fact that these two have been in there for thirty minutes a second thought. I, on the other hand, was horny as hell just thinking about what all might be going on and I wanted stories!

“Be right out!” Candy shouted as she scrambled out of the shower, reaching for towels to dry off. Tabs was moving in slow motion as Candy dried herself and put what clothes she had back on. “Tabs, I'm so sorry for what happened, I was wrong for touching you like that.” She was so embarrassed at what her body allowed her to do but in her mind she wanted more.

“Are you kidding Candy! You got all the soap out and your body felt more amazing than my mom! I want you to wash my hair all the time now” Tabs said as she toweled off. Candy smiled and blushed as she finished putting on her clothes, minus her shorts. Tabs asked “where are your shorts?” as she examined Candy's lower body, followed by “can I touch your shaved mound to see what it feels like?”

“Um…o…okay…” was what Candy said while her mind screamed NO. Tabs walked over to her as she let the towel drop to the floor. Her hand reached and touched Candy's bare mound and her eyes closed. She inhaled sharply as Tabs hand eased down over Candy's slit and pressed in to feel her clit. Candy's hand reached up and caressed Tabs breast ever so lightly. Reality then grabbed Candy and she said “we have got to get out of this bathroom.”

Tabs brought her fingers that had entered Candy to her mouth and sucked the juice off. “And you taste good too” she shyly stated as Candy opened the bathroom door, grabbed her tossed shorts and quickly put them back on. Tabs walked past her towards the bedroom door and slid her hand across Candy's bare ass before it was covered with shorts.

Back in the kitchen, Les and I had finished cleaning up all the mess and had finished mixing what turned out to be a cake. We were waiting on the oven to heat so Les could put it in to cook. Tabs came in “sorry it took so long, I ended up using the shower. I had it in my hair” as she ran a brush through it. Shortly after, Candy came in all smiles and sort of giddy as she confirmed what Tabs had just said.

I noticed her hair was wet also but didn't ask. I figured it would make for some great foreplay talk later tonight. Tabs and Les went back to their day and Candy and I gave looks to each other that only intensified my hunger for her side of what happened in the bathroom.

When the cake was done, we all ate a piece out on our new back deck. We had the deck installed as we are outdoors people and no porch meant no outside relaxing for us. The crew had done some amazing work and even added a few extras at no cost, considering how big it was.

We were sitting on the deck relaxing when Candy's cellphone rang. “Hello. Hey, yes, she's right here. Uh huh…uh huh…no…okay…sure…absolutely…not a problem…yes, we will take care of everything here….yes…okay…you just go. We will take care of the rest…..okay…call when you get there….okay sweetie…we love you…okay…bye bye” and hung up. She looked at me, blank faced then got up and went inside.

I got up and followed her as we made our way to the kitchen. “What's wrong babe?” I asked as I put my hand on her lower back.

“That was Robin, Tabs mom. Robin's dad died and she has to fly out to Denver right now to help her mother take care of all that. She asked if we could take care of Tabs until she returned.” Candy was staring out the window towards Tabs as she talked.

“I'm hoping you told her we would?” I asked, knowing she did since I heard her end of the conversation. I rubbed my hand up and down her back “you okay?”

Candy was lost in her thoughts of taking care of Tabs and she started getting wet. My hand must have spooked her because she sort of shook her head and blinked as if she was somewhere else. I had a pretty good idea where she was but didn't make a big deal out of it. “Yea, yes, I'm good. Just sad a bit for Robin and Tabs. She asked us to tell Tabs even though she and her grandfather were not close at all.”

“Okay, we can tonight, after dinner” I said as my hand came to rest on her shoulder.

We piddled around in the kitchen for a bit, Candy loading the dishwasher and I wiped the counters off when the girls came in. “What's on the agenda for the rest of the day?” Les asked. “Not sure, why?” I asked.

“We wanted to get some sun but wanted to make sure we weren't about to do something right now” Les said, leaning over the island in the kitchen. Tabs followed and stared at Candy. They both had their arms propping their heads up with their fists tucked under their chins.

“We aren't doing anything else, go sun” Candy said as she turned from staring out the window and made eye contact with both girls. She walked over to the island and stroked the outside of each girl's head “you two are sweet girls, do you know that?”

Tabs and Les stood up, thanked Candy, then bolted out of the kitchen towards Les' bedroom to change. Being the same size, the girls shared many different sets of clothing. They stripped as they ran through the house so they could put bikinis on and get to the back deck. Candy walked behind them, picking clothes up as she headed towards Les' bedroom.

“Girls, you forgot some things…” Trailing off as she disappeared into the room. I heard mumbling coming from the bedroom and giggling then silence. Minutes later, Candy came out of the bedroom “remember to ask dad” then walked towards me smiling from ear to ear.

I frowned as I tried to read Candy's mind, her look had a devilish hint to it yet she didn't tell me anything. The girls followed her shortly with their towels wrapped around their bodies. The towels covered most of their breasts and hung to mid thigh leaving plenty of room for imagination.

“Dad…would it be okay if we lay out on the deck to tan?” Les asked as she leaned into my side. “I don't see why not” I said looking down into her puppy dog eyes. Tabs came up on my other side and hugged me then I knew there was a catch.

“Okay, what else?” I said as I looked towards the ceiling in assumed defeat.

“Well, since we are both over 18, we want to tan our entire bodies” she said in a matter of fact tone. “And when I say our entire bodies, I mean our entire bodies.”

“What she is asking, Ray, is can we lay out naked on the deck” Tabs chimed in.

“Yes girls, you can, right dear?” Candy asked as I stood there with my mouth hanging open and a stunned look on my face. “O….Kay…” was all I could say. The girls smiled ear to ear, high fived each other and turned to head out to the deck.

As they opened the door, both girls pulled their towels off to reveal that their plan was already set in motion before asking. They were completely naked under those towels. It was obvious, as they walked out, this was not their first time naked in the sun. Both girls had tanned asses, I knew because I was staring at them.

When the door shut, Candy said “close your mouth Ray, your gonna catch a fly” and laughed as she stepped to the sink to for a glass of water. I closed my mouth, blinked at the vision I just witnessed, then turned to go to the sink. From the kitchen window, most of the deck was in clear view.

Outside, the girls were getting wet holding the water hose over their bodies. It reminded me of a beer commercial as they let the water trace the curves of their bodies. It was hot outside but the cold water was causing their nipples to stand erect. It was also causing my cock to become erect. “Oh to be that young again and know what I know now” Candy wished out loud.

“Babe, you look like that now” I said as I ran my hand across her ass. My wife's body has no sagging, no dimples and no wiggles. She's toned, tanned and she loves to wear sexy clothes that show all her assets. She has been known to flash her breasts, pussy and ass before and it drives me sexually crazy.

“So would you fuck them right now, if given the opportunity?” she asked with a raised eyebrow. I have learned over our married life that honesty is always bet so I smiled real big and shrugged my shoulders. In my mind I had already done all three of these ladies.

Candy reached down and grabbed my hard cock through my shorts, “answered my question” she said as she massaged my cock. She moved her hand up and slipped it inside my shorts, good thing I go commando as she wrapped her hand around my swollen cock. We stood at the sink as Candy stroked my cock so we failed to see Tabs get up and head inside.

Candy was in the front of my shorts when I felt another hand on my ass. I had closed my eyes to enjoy my time and apparently so had my wife. “Yea babe, that feels good on my ass” and my hand job on my cock paused. I opened my eyes and looked around to see my wife motionless. I looked around the other way and found Tabs standing there and indeed, it was her hand on my ass.

“Damn, that was so hot, I couldn't resist” Tabs said as she squeezed my ass cheek. She took her free hand and put it down the front of my pants and joined Candy's hand on my stiff cock. “Damn your big and hard too” she said as she pumped my cock with Candy's hand hanging on too. I put my hands on the counter to brace myself as I enjoyed the two handed job.

Candy released my cock and removed her hand from my pants, only to reach for the waistband. In a quick motion, she released my shorts that kept me contained and freed my cock in Tabs hand. Tabs looked around me and saw what her hand was holding and licked her lips “what a cock! Candy, please, oh please, can you teach my how to suck a beautiful cock like this?”

Candy smiled and said “only if you agree that what happens here, stays here. It didn't take but about a half second for Tabs to agree then Candy asked what she was going to do about Les finding out. “Oh, you let me take care of that” she said with a huge grin on her face.

“Okay, after dinner and before we go to sleep. I'll show you girls, but only if Ray agrees. Ray, how do you feel about this?” as Tabs continued to stroke his cock.

“I feel like I'm going to cum if you don't stop” I said as I held on to the countertop. My balls had started to draw up to expend my load thenTabs stopped. “So I get left with this!?”

“Sadly, yes, for now” Tabs said as she turned and went back outside shaking her ass. Candy laughed and went out to join the girls, stripping at the door. I stood at the sink, erect cock, blue balls, and three naked females right outside the window. Time to take matters into my own hands so I took my cock in my hand and stroked it slowly but it didn't take long to reach orgasm.

My load shot out and landed in the sink, pooling in a glass that I used earlier for water. I milked my cock off then wiped the head off on the dish towel before pulling my shorts up.

I went to the den to watch some TV while I waited for the tanning session to end. There was a golf game on so I leaned back in my favorite chair to watch. There is a half bath just off the den where I was watching TV and it was the closest one from the deck. While I watched the game, I was treated to several naked women coming through to use it.

One time, Tabs came in during a commercial and stood right by my chair, facing me, to ask about the game and how her favorite player was doing. I told her and asked some follow up questions just to see if she would stand there and she did. She was not embarrassed or shy at all. Les came in while we were talking and asked Tabs if she wanted something to drink.

I didn't want to jinx any of this new clothing optional day so I stayed in my chair. Besides, if I stood, I would gave pitched a colossal tent and I didn't want to scare them. When they came back through, Les handed a drink to me then kissed my on the lips.

I reached for the drink with one hand and reached to steady Les with the other hand. I missed my target of her arm as she leaned over and grabbed her breast instead. There was not much I could do because she had leaned to far in to adjust. She didn't flinch so I played along with it. Les usually kisses me on the cheek so this was something else new and I liked it.

As she stood up, I released her breast and she said “thanks dad” then looked at my bulge and said “looks like somebody needs a hand! I guess since Tabs and mom have already had their turns, this one is all mine.” My eyes opened real big as Les, without hesitation, sat her drink down on the side table and reached for my shorts.

Undoing my shorts, she reached in and managed to free my swollen cock. “Nice size dad, I didn't know you were so big, and the shape is really nice.” I was not about to ask how my daughter knew so much about the size and shape of cocks.

She started stroking my hard cock like a pro and I just closed my eyes and enjoyed every bit of attention. I felt a warm sensation and looked down to see myself impaled in her mouth. She was taking almost half of my cock in her mouth and her tongue was slipping around the crown adding mire pleasure. I put my hand on the back of her head as she bobbed up and down.

Tabs came back in the room carrying two drinks and encouraged Les on as she sucked my cock. She took the drinks outside then returned to watch Les at work on me. She positioned herself on the other side of my chair to watch.

Les increased her bobbing while stroking the lower portion of my cock as I felt my balls suck in. I was getting real close to blowing my load in my daughter's mouth. “Les, I'm about to cum” I said and she pulled back till her lips were at the crown of my cock. My ass cheeks clinched together and I raised my cock up as I came.

The first rope of cum hit the back of her throat as did the next two and the rest just emptied with less force, coating Les' mouth. Her hand was milking the remaining cum then she pulled off my cock as Tabs said “I want to taste it too!” Les leaned over my spent cock and met Tabs as they French kissed, sharing my cum between them.

The sight of them sharing my cum over my cock was enough to keep me hard. When they finished, Tabs lowered her mouth to my cock and licked me clean. Les had leaned back away and was wiping her mouth then cleaning her fingers off. When they were finished, both girls stroked my cock a few times, then complimented me again on size.

Les said “I love the taste of your cum daddy, maybe I could have some more later?” I told her probably so, patted her ass then they walked out. I laid back in the chair agin and took a quick nap.

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