Thick as Thieves

Thick as thieves. That's the only way you could really describe the two of
them. Cindy and Zoe were best friends. The two of them had been running
around since the seventh grade and now they were entering their junior year
of high school. They were 16 years old and had the whole world ahead of

Now, of the two, Cindy my 16-year-old was definitely the
ringleader. Cindy stands about 5 foot nine, with the skinny little body,
and plenty of curves to look at. She is very outgoing, with a spunky
attitude, that attracted a lot of attention. That in conjunction with her
beautiful, tan long legs, wavy sandy brown hair, and topped off with two of
the most perfect breasts, any man could ever have had the privilege of
laying eyes on. She truly was something to behold. She always had been one
of those girls, who was the center of attention whenever she walked in the

Now, Zoe on the other hand was a much more introverted and her reserved
behavior hinted to us, whispers of a devilish mystery. Her dad passed away
when she was very young and always seemed to gravitate towards me in the
time that she spent in our home. Because she spent so much time with us, I
always considered her and treated her much like my own daughter. She stands
about 5 foot six, was a petite frame. Her breasts were just a fraction
smaller then Cindy's but very much enough to do plenty of damage.

My wife Meredith and I had been married about 20 years. I had a relatively
successful home business which gave me the luxury of spending most of my
days, being able to spend time with the rest of my family, and at the same
time get the things done that I needed for the business.

Zoe spent most of her time in our house, and doing things with our family.
The girls were always up to something. They spent just as much time
laughing, as they did crying it seemed. The two girls always seem to find
something to complain about with a relationship to their bodies. I held the
unenviable task of building them up with compliments.

Cindy always complained that her ass was too small. And Zoe would counter
her by pointing out that her own boobs were much smaller than she would
like. The complaining would go on for sometime, but inevitably would end up
in laughs and a tight embrace, as the two of them wrapped their arms around
me to show their appreciation for my words. Oh, how those hugs, would leave
me in a great need. They were usually accompanied by a quick exit to the
nearest unoccupied bathroom and the quick indulgence of sexual self

I always felt that between the two of them they made the perfect woman.
Cindy had some killer tits, but Zoe's pouty ass was something to make any
man lust after. I had always thought to myself, that if I was a younger man
I would chase after either one of them. Even then, I would catch myself in
a semi-fantasizing trance thinking about what I could do them if I had the
chance. And then shaking my head, I would shrug and say, “My God, it's your
daughter and her best friend, get a hold of yourself man!”

Despite my best effort's however, it became increasingly hard to ignore the
fact that the girls were developing into beautiful young women. I found
this task especially difficult, considering how often Zoe stayed the night
in our home. Normally Cindy would share a room with her younger sister, but
because there were only two beds, the two of them would almost always sleep
out in the front room on the couches.

Remarkably of the situation I found myself in was about to become even more
of a temptation that I could've ever possibly imagined.

Earlier that morning my wife Meredith had gotten an emergency phone call
from her sister. She packed her bags immediately, and I drove her and our
youngest daughter to the airport, where she wished me luck for the rest of
the weekend. And so was fate would have it, I found myself home alone with
the two girls, who had been particularly mischievous in the previous days.

Summers in California as you can imagine bring plenty of heat, and this
weekend was looking to be no different. Cindy and Zoe spent the better part
of the day sunning themselves out by the pool. I watch them carefully from
the second story of our home in my office. It wasn't long before giggling
and laughing the two of them had shed their bikini tops, shamelessly
displaying their firm teenage breasts, to anyone who might be peeking over
the fence, or, watching high above, from their office.

It had been quite sometime since I had any form of sexual relief. Meredith
had lost interest in such things a few years ago, so I had pretty much
resorted to my own thoughts, and the pages of illicit magazines. But now
here before me, were two beautiful, and very live bodies. What was better
then the alluring temptation of forbidden pleasure.

Lowering my trunks, I immediately went to work rubbing the length of my
already rigid cock. I continued at maddening pace, as I watched the two
girls shifting around on their lounge seats, with their wonderful
femininity glistening in the afternoon sun. Just then I saw Zoe glance up
towards at my office. I froze, but it just seemed to be only that, just a
glance. With that I continued at the object of my desire until I had
expelled all of my pleasure into a pile on the ground.

It wasn't long before the two girls, made their way into the house.
Obviously they had returned their tops, but the memory of my sinfulness and
the image of their perfect bodies, remained etched in my brain, as they
greeted me with barely anything covering their small teenage bodies.

“We want pizza Dad!” They squealed! Zoe had become accustomed call me dad,
and quite frankly it warmed my heart that she thought of me as such. To
hear them now on call me dad now, only caused significant jump, from the
member that was now neatly tucked away in my trunks.

“Looks like we're having pizza!” I said. “Now if you'll just let me go,” I
laughed, “I can order some!”

Giggling, Cindy and Zoe, released their death grip from me and I marched
off in the other room to order a couple of pies.

I could hear their continued laughter, and scattered whispers, as I ordered
up some dinner from the local pizza establishment.

By the time dinner arrived, the girls had slipped out of their swimsuits,
and were wearing a few of my old, oversize T-shirts, thar I frequently had
lying around the house. Like most girls, they had on just panties and no
bra. I could confirm this when occasionally Zoe or Cindy would bend down to
pick something up from the floor. The tail of their T-shirt's would hike up
just enough for me to see a pair of lacy panties and two cute cheeks poking
out. The outline of a pair of erect nipples was just noticeable under the
thin fabric of the old shirts they wore.

Like a couple typical teenage girls, with no boys around, they had
devoured their share of the pizza in no time at all. It was getting late
and the next thing I knew the two of them had begun to make preparations in
the living room to settle down for their nightly ritual of Netflix and
various snacks.

I was exhausted, saying my good nights, I proceeded up the stairs, in great
need of a nice cold shower. As I made my way to the bedroom, I passed by
the laundry room, and there in typical fashion of my daughter lay the two
bikini's that the girls had thrown down after changing into their night
clothes. I paused for a moment, bent down and picked up the garment.
Lifting the piece up to my face, the sweet aroma of young girls filled my
nostrils. I smiled, returned it to the basket and after a nice shower
settled myself down to sleep.

I tossed and turned, and even though I had managed to relieve myself of the
sexual strain that I previously felt, the visions of my young teenage
daughter and her best friend danced in my head. I found it extremely
difficult to finally drift off to sleep and just when I had, or so it
seemed, I was awakened by strange noises, most definitely coming from

I stumbled out of bed, half asleep, muttering under my breath as I made my
way to the staircase. The girls must still be awake I thought, and since it
was relatively dark it wouldn't matter that I was only dressed in boxer
shorts. I reasoned that I could just tell them it was time to quiet down,
and get back to some much need rest. At the top of her staircase there is
somewhat of a balcony that overlooks the front of the house. When I reach
that clearing, I realized, that the noises I had previously heard, we're
definitely that of a sexual nature.

Oh my God I thought to myself, could it be that one or more of the girls
was pleasuring themselves. From the silhouette of a nightlight, I could see
the tall torso of my daughter Cindy, squatting on the couch. It was clear
that Cindy had removed her shirt. I could see in the dim light her two
alert breasts swaying gently as she dipped down and her head disappeared
again. Then I heard it again. The distinctive but quiet sighs and then
pleasure filled groans, that rippled through the night air. It must be Zoe
I thought, and then like a slap to the face I realized what was happening.
Cindy, my beautiful little 16-year-old daughter, was pleasuring her best

I crept carefully down the wooden stairs to get a better look. it was easy
because of the angle of the living room where they had settled down, to get
a better view of the two girls. And there just as sure, as I relate this
story to you now, lay Zoe on her back, naked as the day she was born. Her
beautiful fair skin glowed nicely in the summer night. Her legs were bent
slightly at the knees, and her legs opened up, as Cindy lowered head once
again attacking Zoe's young pussy with her tongue.

“God that feels good Cindy!” Zoe groaned. “You taste amazing!” Cindy
hissed. “The only thing that would feel better, right now….,” Zoe paused
as she looked up at Cindy and with a smile on her face said, “Would be to
feel your dad's thick cock pounding me relentlessly!” “You know, she said,
I'm pretty sure he was watching us earlier today out by the pool.” “Yeah
right, you wish! retorted Cindy, “For as much as we tease him I'm surprised
he hasn't ripped our clothes off by now!”

“Geeze Cindy, exclaimed Zoe, “You're such a kinky little slut!” “Well,”
retorted Cindy, “It takes one to know one!” The two laughed and Zoe bit her
bottom lip as my daughter continued the attack on her best friends lush wet

I honestly couldn't believe what I was hearing, as I listened to the two
girls talk. It should've been the worst nightmare for a father, but instead
and not reluctantly it was like music to my ears. My girls, my beautiful
two daughters, as I liked to call them were lusting after their daddy! And
they were not shy about it either, making the best of the situation that
they didn't quite have access to yet. I guess they figured, the worst case
scenario would be, having an orgasm at the expense of each other's mouth.

I was determined to give them what they wanted. But more appropriately,
that which I had also been pining for more than two years. And as chance
would have it, they didn't know, but they had provided me with the perfect

I slowly reached down and peeled off the only thing that kept me from being
completely naked, my boxer shorts. My cock was and had already been for
sometime harder then ever before in my life. It throbbed, and ached for
release, and as I inched my way closer, creeping carefully up from behind
Cindy‘s back, suddenly Zoe‘s eyes widened. Cindy was busily and happily
devouring her friends sopping wet cunt, oblivious to what was developing
behind her. I could see the fear in Zoe's eyes, once she realized my
presence. And now, confusion, as she saw my nakedness and now fully erect
prick standing at attention. I brought my finger up to my lips, hushing her
as I crept closer. Confusion turned into a devilish smile, as Zoe returned
to fully enjoying the attention that Cindy was giving to her sex. Quietly I
grabbed the bottle of lube, and applied a generous amount to my now bulging
cock. Once I was directly behind Cindy, I carefully ran the tip of my index
finger, starting at her neck, down her spinal cord, to the small of her
back. She immediately jumped, and yelped. “Whaaa!”, she cried, and with the
look of shock, a small gasp and a little scream, escaped her wet lips.
“Shit! Dad!” She cried, “This isn't what…,”

“What it looks like?!” I replied with an evil grin on my face. “Oh I know
what it looks like!” I said smiling. “I've been watching and listening for
long enough.” “Oh fuck!” She exclaimed. “And that's exactly what we will be
doing!” I said, with lust in my eyes.

At this point I noticed that Zoe was moving two fingers frantically,
dipping into her own cunt. I looked at the two of them and smiled. “This is
what we always wanted Cindy!” Zoe managed out between sighs and groans of
pleasure. “Cindy, you know how much you wanted your dad, and now it's
finally all happening!” She quipped. Cindy's expression quickly changed to
a wicked grin, as she dipped her head and extended her hand back between
her legs, grabbing a hold of my prick she carefully guided my tip to her
sopping wet hole. “Oh!” she squealed, “Let's do this! Fuck me daddy! Fuck
me now!”

I didn't wait for much more, and grabbing a hold of her slender hips, sank
the full my cock deep into in her womb. Grunting like a pig, I begin my
assault on her sweet, tight, little pussy. Cindy continued mashing Zoe‘s
tits with her hands, while Zoe plunged her fingers feverishly inside her
own wet cunt.

Cindy arched her back, and with every penetrating thrust, she howled with
pleasure, calling out my name, “Yes daddy! She wailed, “Yes! Give it to me,
I've been bad! Punish your beautiful daughter! Fuck me like a slut I am!”
She screamed.

I was in a state of absolute bliss, as a bore down, into my sexy
16-year-old daughter's willing cunt. This was heaven, but I was going to
hell for sure. I felt like a young man again, as I continued to pound her
virgin cunt. I continued to ravish her body, pulling on her perfect breasts
with my hands from below. Cindy screamed, as I pulled at her nipples
tweaking them between my thumb and forefinger while I fucked her like a
beast from above.

“Oh my God!” I moaned, in pleasure. “I'm going to dump my load !” I
yelled. “I'm going to cum inside my little girl!” “Oh god! Yes daddy!” She
screamed, “give it to me now!”

“No! “Don't you dare!” screamed Zoe. “You're not done, until you take me
too!” Cindy slid to the side, and began kissing Zoe with great passion,
their tongues intertwined and their hands curled together, as I slid my
body between Zoe‘s welcoming legs. Her cunt was dripping with a mixture of
Cindy's saliva and her own vaginal juices. As I guided my erect cock into
her sopping hole, I was astonished to discover the significant amount of
difficulty I was having, penetrating her little body.

Zoe's body immediately shook with her first orgasm, as I plunged my eight
inches further into her sweet cunt. She began screaming into my daughters
mouth, and bucked her hips upward to meet each of my thrusts.

“Oh God daddy! Oh yes!” I could make out from the gurgling's, as she spat
into Cindy's mouth. “Oh yes! I want it so bad!” she screamed, “Give me your
fat cock! Give me your babies she wailed! Oh please daddy!” She pleaded.
“Fuck your seed into your sweet little girl now!”

I could hear Cindy whining with seeming disapproval, she seem to be saying,
“You're my daddy, I want your seed first!” Her eyes pouted, as I fucked Zoe
back even harder. And then changing in moment, seemed to acquiesce. As if
to say, “Yes daddy, it's OK, Zoe needs her daddy too.”

Cindy rose to her knees, and watched as the two of us, “father” and
“daughter”, finished our deed. Now I began to reach my full stride, and
Zoe's young, tender, body flailed helplessly beneath my weight. It didn't
take long, she was so incredibly tight, that I literally couldn't have
lasted much more than a minute. Her eyes rolled back, and I knew as her
body shook, that she was having her second orgasm.

Then suddenly a calm feeling settled over me, and everything seemed to slow
down. Zoe looked up and our eyes met for what seemed like an eternity.
“Here I am!” I groaned, “Here I cum!” She lifted her torso up slowly and
wrapping her arms around my chest, whispered in my ear, “Give me your love
daddy, I need your love…” And with that… I emptied my seed deep inside
her fertile womb, hoping , but not knowing, as we collapsed into each
other's arms.

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