My girlfriend gives me the best Halloween ever

“So come on, tell me what was your fantasy growing up? That twisted, dark, gross and sexy dream that used to tent little Timmy's shorts.” Colleen's low alto sends chills through me as she lightly rubs my cock against her left cheek. She's been doing this for twenty minutes now. Pumping me while pumping me for information. We'd already gone through my past girlfriends, now she wanted to know my fantasies. We'd gone through all the vanilla ones, you know, Steak and BJ, mile high club, but she was looking for something more.

Sitting on her couch, my legs spread with her crouched on the floor between them, this really was a fantasy of mine. Her raven black hair pulled back into a ponytail, the blush in her cheeks that seemed to be accented as she smeared it with the mixture of her saliva and the precum from my dick, those cherry red lips and piercing feline green eyes.

She nuzzled her face into my shaft till her lips were against my balls and kissed lightly. She then gave me feather-lite kisses up to my tip, stuck out her tongue, then licked all the way back down. My toes curled as I did my best to stay still.

“Come on, you know you want to tell me.”

“You're making it hard to say anything.”

“No, I already made it hard. I'm just keeping it that way.” Her left hand slowly slid up my shaft, then agonizingly slowly came back down.

“It's stupid.” I said sheepishly.

She grabbed my balls tightly in her right hand and managed to open her mouth wide enough to fit the whole thing in her mouth. I groaned as she sucked my testicles while her left hand continued to just slowly go up and down. Then she popped them out of her mouth and looked at me, “I told you what happened to me with that Ken doll, you can at least do this.”

“Okay, but you have to promise not to laugh or tell any one.”

“My lips are zipped.” To emphasize this she drug the head of my cock across her lips.

“It was this time when I was twelve or thirteen. I had loved October from the time I could remember, all the fun spooky stuff. Well I'm at home watching tv late at night just before and they are doing a marathon of shows. I saw two episodes of The Munsters, two of The Addams Family, and then Elvira's Movie Macabre. The movie was stupid so my brain started to wander. Next thing I know I'm imagining myself with Lily, Elvira and Morticia.”

As a reward for my confession she plunges her mouth on me till I'm buried in her throat and she's choking loudly. I feel myself starting to let go, taken right to the point of no return, when she pulls away again.

“Which was your favorite?”

“Colleen please!” I'm begging. She gives me this sexy little smile and just shakes her head no. “Morticia, she was my favorite. That tight dress, her icy demeanor over that hint of a passionate sex drive, even back then I knew her and Gomez must be banging five times a day.”

“Is that what you want Tim? You want to fuck me and cum five times a day?” The nails of her left hand grazed along my inner thigh as she lightly stroked me with her right.

“I'd settle for once right now.”

She swatted the head of my dick, causing me to yelp. “No complaining.” She instructed as she stood up and stretched. She was still in her pink tank top and tight little jean shorts. She was tall and lithe, her small conical breasts with her long, hard nipples peaked her shirt as it rose up to give a glimpse of her washboard like stomach. Those jean shorts looked like they had been painted on her nicely rounded bubble butt. The way she twisted and turned as she stretched out was like the beginning of a striptease. I started to get up but she picked up her right leg and put her barefoot against my dick and pushed me back down. I let out a grunt of surprise which turned into a moan as she began caressing my shaft with the arch of her foot. The ball of her foot stroked against the head of my cock when she slid up, the heel rubbed against my balls as she went down.

“You wouldn't believe how wet I am right now. Just listening to your desires while playing with this great cock. I think I'm going to need you to fu…” She stopped talking when there was a knock at her door. “Shit! I forgot they were coming today. Quick, grab your clothes and go hide in my bedroom!” She said hurriedly and helped me gather my things and shoved them in my arms before shoving me out of the main space of her apartment into her small bedroom. She was in such a hurry her door didn't close all the way.

I was trying to decide if I should wait for her to get rid of whoever was at the door so we could get back to our fun or get dressed when I heard shrieks of greeting as Colleen opened her door.

“Colleen! It's been ages! I'm so glad we are all finally back in the same town!” A soprano voice rang out.

The bedroom door was opened a crack so I moved to see who had interrupted my girlfriend and I. Colleen's slight frame was being crushed against a woman who was maybe four inches shorter than her but three times as wide. A real bbw of a woman with mousy brown hair. She was in a tie dye sundress of yellow, green and blue and you could tell she wasn't wearing a bra as a fabric covered breast bulged around either side of Colleen as the excited woman squeezed her so tightly I worried Colleen might break.

“Let her go Beth! We don't want to smother her.” This was a smoky voice who spoke and as she moved into view I couldn't believe my eyes. Her hair was almost as dark as Colleen's, she looked to be my height so she towered over her two friends. She had a vintage hourglass shape that reminded me of Jessica Rabbit or Marilynn Monroe, and the dark red cross wrap top she wore showed off her massive breasts to perfection with deep cleavage on the top and a peek at underboob beneath. Her hips were barely covered in a black mini-skirt.

“Jackie, it's so good to see you!” Colleen said happily as she was finally loosed from Beth. She moved over to Jackie who gave her a hug, and then to my surprise leaned in and kissed her. Not a chaste, friendly kiss. No this was a full on, I've fucked you hard and want to again, kiss with tongue that Colleen gave herself to in complete surrender. Part of me wanted to be jealous but seeing Colleen being kissed by another woman was hot as hell.

“No fair, I didn't get a kiss.” Beth said with a playful pout. Jackie finally released Colleen, revealing a lurid smile on her crimson lips.

Colleen turned back toward Beth, her face flushed but I could see the excitement in her eyes, “Well we must be fair to all.” And with that she moved over to Beth. It wasn't the same as the hot predatory mauling that Jackie gave Colleen, but was tender and sweet like two lovers finally reuniting.

I was in shock. Sure, Colleen had mentioned she'd had girlfriends in the past but I thought that was just some dirty talk to get me hard. Thinking back on it though, these were the two women she had described. Beth she had known since high school, the two of them met Jackie in college. I had thought that if any part of her story was true it was a past fling.

Jackie moved fully into the front room, and sat down on the couch where I had just been. She started to say something, stopped, and started sniffing the air.

Beth noticed first, “Uh-oh, I know that look.”

Colleen turned to look at Jackie and her face fell.

“I smell sex.” Jackie said confidently.

“Well I was getting excited at the idea of you two coming over.” Colleen said.

Beth gave this “awww” sound but Jackie just shook her head. “Nice try Colleen, but I smell dick too.”

“That's our Jackie! Bitch is a bloodhound. So who's the lucky fella?” Beth asked happily.

“His name's Tim. We've been dating for about three months. Good guy, I…I really like this one.”

“And you haven't brought him to us yet? That's breaking the rules.” Jackie said standing up again.

“Well, I wanted to make sure first, you know?” Colleen said nervously.

“How good could he be if he left you in such an aroused state? Can't have you going to the pool like that, can we Beth?”

“Not at all. Besides we wouldn't be good friends if we left Colleen yearning when it's such an easy fix.” Beth said lightly as she came up behind Colleen and grabbed her in a massive bear hug. Surprised Colleen struggled as Beth held her tight but there was no escape. Beth then began to nuzzle her face into Colleen's left shoulder and kissed up her neck.

Jackie moved over to the two women and Colleen yelped as in one smooth movement Jackie had pulled off her jean shorts. She parted Colleen's legs and then began petting the tangle of dark hair at her crotch. Jackie leaned forward and claimed Colleen's mouth, while her hand moved further down that triangle of hair to reach her goal.

While Colleen was distracted by the kiss and hand of Jackie, Beth used the opportunity to get her hands under Colleen's tank top and started roughly playing with her small breasts. I knew from experience just how sensitive Colleen's puffy nipples were, the lightest touch, the softest lick would have her writhing. Beth wasn't being gentle. Colleen tried to scream as Beth pinched her nipples but nothing came out as Jackie extended her tongue down her throat.

Part of me wanted to go out there. To stop them, to help Colleen, but most of my brain was gone as I watched these two women manhandle my girlfriend. I had been hard before from Colleen playing with me but nothing like I was now. I stroked myself lightly as I watched my girlfriend being fucked by her girlfriends.

Jackie broke her kiss with Colleen as she slowly went to her knees. Colleen's cries of passion immediately filled the room as Beth was still savaging her sensitive breasts and Jackie was still rubbing against her lips and hood. Once on her knees Jackie tasted her friend off of her hand and then spit on her first and middle finger before roughly jamming them inside of Colleen. The incoherent scream that came out of my girlfriend was shocking and threatened to send me over the edge.

Beth was starting to moan as well. She had pressed herself close enough to Colleen that she was now rubbing herself off on Colleen's left ass cheek.

“MORE!!! FUCK!!!! I NEED TO CUM!!! Colleen shouted to the entire room's delight. Beth's left hand dropped from a tit to hike up her own dress and started humping her now naked and hairy pussy directly onto Colleen. Instead of returning her free hand to renew her attack on Colleen's breast, she reached up and grabbed her by the throat. It wasn't hard or mean and Colleen trembled at the rough treatment.

“That's it Jackie, make us both cum. She grinds into me so good every time you push those fingers into her. We're both so close, make us cum Jackie. Make your two bitches cum!” Beth's high and light voice was almost a song.

Jackie leaned in again and sucked Colleen's hood into her mouth. The effect was immediate! Colleen's whole body went rigid and this high wail erupted from her mouth. Beth was right behind, her large frame shaking as she ground down on the much smaller woman till her eyes closed and she just began quietly shuddering as she held onto Colleen for dear life.

Once Jackie had pulled herself out and away from Colleen, both women fell down on the floor and began showering her with kisses and caresses. “That's enough of that girls. I want to get down to that pool. You two can thank me properly down there under the warm sun and in the cool water.”

The three pulled away from each other and helped themselves up to their feet. “You two go on, I'll be down in a minute.” Colleen said.

“You better hurry, I'm going to need those nimble little fingers. Come on Beth, we'll get changed down by the pool.” The two women left quickly.

As soon as the door was firmly shut, “There's a condom on my dresser, I'm going to need you to put it on.”

I looked over and found it, tore the package open and had rolled it in place when she stepped into the room. She turned around, closed the door and leaned over against it, arching her back out and giving me a fantastic view of her ass and pussy. “Fuck me Tim.”

Didn't have to tell me twice. I was inside of her before I even knew I had moved, our bodies colliding into each other over and over again as I thrusted in and she pushed back in perfect synchronicity. Her cries once again filled the apartment with my grunts giving the sound a thrumming baseline punctuated by our bodies clapping together.

“That's it baby, that's that nice big cock that I need! Fuck me hard baby! I've been such a bad girl!” She cried out. I grabbed her by the waist and pounded her as hard and as fast as I could. Then I slid my right hand down through her dark hair and began fanning her clit. Her whole body stiffened, this high pitched wail came from her mouth and her pussy gripped me like a vice as she came. I held out as long as I could, relishing the feel of her orgasm on my cock before I too lost it and cried out as I began to cum.

We both sank to the floor and curled up with each other. There were no words for a long time. Finally, “Tim, about what you saw and heard in there…we need to talk.”

A week later I pull up to the giant house where the biggest Halloween party I've ever seen is taking place. My instructions were crystal clear and I was grateful that the pants of my Beetlejuice costume were baggy enough that it hid my erection from view. People in costume are dancing outside as speakers blast Bela Lugosi's Dead. Skeletons, monsters, ghosts and goblins all writhing to the pulsing beat. I know that they are here but I don't have a clue how they are dressed. Still with all the sexy witches, slutty vampires, and other women dressed in other types of hot goth girl attire I wasn't too disappointed I hadn't seen them yet. Everywhere you looked there were legs in fishnets, bodies in black lace or leather and more than enough cleavage on display. Even the more conservative were worn by women at least a size too small to show off their figure. This was my favorite part of the holiday, even the good girls played bad tonight.

I just mixed in with the crowd and started dancing, trying to relax myself a bit for what I knew lay ahead. The idea was so hot I had already masturbated twice today thinking about it and still I was hard as a rock. Colleen had been nervous telling me about this as we laid on her bedroom floor. It had started after they had all met in college. They liked fucking each other but they wanted men too. So they had made a pact, if any of them found a good guy, she'd have to share him with the group. Colleen said it had been fun in college her two girlfriends and dick on command but afterwards when they had all split apart for their new lives, she thought it was over. She'd flown out on occasion to be with Jackie or Beth as that was a bond she never wanted to break, she thought the sharing was over with. She met me and I was surprised as she told me she was so serious about us, she was thinking about breaking it off with Jackie and Beth. Then their jobs both transferred them here and they wanted to pick back up where they left off in college. She got super serious, looked directly into my eyes, and asked if I would be okay fucking her two girlfriends.

Now I could play all cool and try telling you that the thought of having two more women was all I cared about, but I've always been in monogamous relationships. The display I had witnessed was hot, and I was already horny, so I hadn't had time to feel cheated on. And I definitely didn't want to cheat on Colleen. It was hard saying all that in the moment with her but I eventually got it all out. She had smiled at me with tears in her eyes. “It's not cheating if we give each other permission. I have no more secrets and if you say no, I'll go down and tell them I'm out for good. I love you Tim. But if you say it's okay, you are going to have a really good time.”

I still felt the heat in that kiss after I said yes. I knew it was what she wanted and I admit I found Jackie and Beth both attractive. YOLO, right? So Colleen planned everything out for tonight. Great party, alcohol to loosen everything up, and sex with three gorgeous women.

A sexy witch had started to dance really close to me, swaying her hips to the beat. She looked like she might be interested in getting closer but then a soprano voice cut through the music, “Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!”

I turned around and couldn't believe my eyes. The long black hair with the wide streak of white, the greenish tinge makeup with high arching black eyebrows, a necklace with a black bat that lay provocatively below her throat and above her cleavage, and a gossamer pink dress that flowed over her wide frame. It was the best Lily Munster I had ever seen. I couldn't help but swallow hard at the sight of her. On tv the sleeves were gauze but the bodice wasn't a see-thru material. This dress improved on the original by being transparent enough to make out her erect nipples and as my gaze dropped lower the dark triangle of her pubic hair.

She walked up to me and, as if we'd been together for years, pulled me down to kiss her. No gentle kiss to start, her tongue demanded entrance and I gave in to her insistence. My hands felt down her back to her ample ass and she moaned into my mouth as I gave her a squeeze. After a pleasant slice of eternity she pulled away, “We need to get you a drink.”

She led me into the house, my eyes transfixed on this large woman who was playing out one of my fantasies. The dress clung to her shapely body and a silver chain belt at her waist drew the dress tight across her ample ass, showing off the bounce of every step. The crowd fell away from my perception as she guided me to a table loaded down with all kinds of beverages. She selected a red cup and ladled some punch inside, took a long drink, then refilled. I moved over to her left and she handed me a bottle of water.

“I was looking for something a bit more fun.” I said looking down at her.

She flashed me this great smile as she looked up at me, “Sorry, nothing strong for you. Here, take these.” And she handed me two blue pills.

“Not sure what all Colleen said, but trust me, I won't need those.” I said a bit more defensively than I wanted to.

“Trust me baby, you'll want them. Don't worry, in this story both pills make you larger. Down the hatch.”

I opened the bottle, took a swig, then got the pills she offered me and downed them as directed. Her smile broadened and she gave this excited little hop that sent all of her to bouncing in this mesmerizing way.

“So, you're Beth right?” I asked, trying to start a conversation. She shook her head no.

“The name's Lily, Lily Munster. Pleased to meet you.”

“If you are Lily, then where's Herman?”

“At home with our son. Halloween is my night away to do whomever I want.”

“Whomever? Don't you mean what…” I didn't get to finish my question as she gripped the lapels of my jacket and pulled me down for a kiss. Her breasts and belly pressed against me as we melted together with the heat of her kiss. Her hands reached down and grabbed my wrists, guiding my hands to her hips. I pressed her even closer and she gave this surprised little moan as she felt my erection against her stomach while my hands slid down to grip her juicy ass.

We made out at the table for awhile, don't know if it was minutes or hours as I was living out my fantasy of being with Lily Munster. Finally though she broke the kiss, took my hand and led me through the crowd again and over to a staircase. My eyes were glued to every movement of her ass while we went up the stairs. I hadn't been with a big girl since freshman year at college, I forgot how enticing every jiggle could be. As she moved though, I noticed a slight impression in her dress from between her ass cheeks.

“Enjoying the view?” She asked without turning around.

“Sure am, Lily.” Calling her by her character name sent an extra charge through me.

We moved down a hallway and she stopped at the fourth door on the left. Giving me a quick wink she reached into her cleavage and pulled a key from between her breasts and unlocked the door. She pulled me inside, the minute I was across the threshold and the door was closed she pounced, pinning me to the door with her entire body and violently pulling my head to hers to assault my mouth. I honestly didn't know what to do, it felt great though as her body rocked against mine, her belly grinding against my cock, so I decided to hump against her. She moaned as she felt my erection press back against her.

“Feels like there is another monster in the room with us.” She said looking up at me when she finally broke the kiss. I was too out of breath to say anything. I felt her hands at my waist, she deftly unbuttoned and unzipped me, then pushed my pants and boxers down to slide off.

“Bitch was holding out on us.” She said quietly as she looked down as my cock bobbed proudly in the air. She pressed close to me again, the gossamer fabric felt wonderful against my shaft while also letting me feel the warmth of her body. Then she slid down to her knees, coming face to face with my member. Her right hand came up and lightly stroked me, “Would you like Lily Munster to suck your dick?”

I just nodded dumbly as she pulled down on me to point directly at her lips. She leaned forward and gave my head a light kiss, then another. She kept kissing the head of my cock faster and faster. It felt weird but enjoyable, then I felt her tongue come out and quickly graze against my sensitive skin. She licked at my knob like an ice cream cone, lapping up the precum that oozed from me and savoring it in her mouth. Then finally she leaned a bit closer and enveloped me in her lips. I let out a deep moan of my own as I watched her take me in. The feel of her lips and tongue slowly travelling down my shaft, while having Lily Munster stare up at me, it was more than I've ever dreamed. She never broke eye contact as she moved down me, not even when I felt the back of her mouth, felt her adjust slightly, then take me in even deeper till her bottom lip was against my balls and her nose was buried in my pubic hair. Her eyes were bulging and watery, but not the slightest hint of gagging as I could see her face turn red underneath her makeup. She then slowly pulled away, but stopped before I popped out. She grabbed my right hand and placed it on top of her head, smiled around the mouthful of my cock and gave me a wink.

I could barely comprehend what she was offering, “You want me to, want me to fuck your face?” She gave me a nod. “Well, umm, I mean, I don't want to hurt you.” At this she gave an exasperated sigh, which felt amazing, then shoved her head down to my crotch and back so fast all the air rushed out of me. She smiled at me with the head of my dick still in her mouth and tapped my hand that was on top of her head. That was when I realized she wasn't wearing a wig. Must be hair extensions cause her hair had been shorter last time I saw her, but knowing she had dyed her hair, just so she could have me pull on it while fucking her face sent a thrill down my spine and up my dick. She moaned happily as I wove my fingers through her hair and pulled tight. The eagerness in her eyes was infectious. I pulled her toward me as I thrusted forward. I glided through her mouth and into her throat, held for a moment then pulled her off of me. Not one sign of discomfort or pain on her greenish face. Who knew Lily was such a ho! I set a comfortable rhythm, enjoying the wet, velvet feel as I fucked her mouth. Her left hand came up and she lightly stroked her fingernails up and down my thigh or reached around to grip my ass cheek. Meanwhile her right hand came up between my legs to play with my balls.

It felt so good I didn't even realize how close I was, but I guess she did. While I was just lost in the sensation of her gripping my ass and stroking my balls while her tongue swirled around my favorite head, she made her move. Her stroking of my balls turned into a hard grab, the hand gripping my ass suddenly moved further in and I felt a finger push into my asshole as she plunged down on me. All of that at once and I lost all control and just erupted into her while yelling incoherently. She stayed on me till I was spent, then extracted herself from my shaft and slowly got to her feet.

“Enjoy that sweetie?” She asked in a voice that sounded way too innocent for a woman who could suck cock like that. I was still too drained to respond, though I had noticed that I was still erect. She noticed too. “Oh good, they did work!”

She walked over to the large bed in the room, turned to face me and undid her belt. The dress billowed around her form for a brief instant then she had it off, like a magic trick. I stood in stunned silence as the first thing I noticed was her whole body was the same greenish color as her face and hands. Only her areolas and nipples went uncolored, the pink blush circles crowned by the rose red nubs really standing out on her long and saggy breasts. The hair on her mound had been trimmed back from when I'd seen her humping Colleen to this small inverted triangle, but it was still thick enough that she was able to have her fingers disappear as she ran her hand down to rub herself as she swayed for me.

“Aren't you over dressed?” She asked. I tore my remaining clothes off me as fast as I could, her light soprano voice laughing at my eagerness. Once nude myself I rushed over to her and hugged her to me as I claimed her mouth. Her warm skin on mine felt amazing and she moaned into me as I caressed her back as my cock ground into her belly. I broke away from her lips and kissed down the left side of her neck as I brought my hands around to cup her breasts. I kneaded them with my fingers as I kissed up and down the arch of her neck. Then I moved my hands up slightly and pinched her nipples.

To my surprise this didn't get a reaction from her. Every woman I'd been with before had sensitive breasts, so I let my hands run down her sides and cupped her ass. That brought a squeal of delight as I squeezed her and gave her some light swats.

“Ummm, that's good! But I need you to answer a question for me dear. Are you ready to fuck Lily?” Hearing those words coming from that face was almost too much. I started to step back to my clothes. “What are you doing?”

“I've got condoms in the pocket of my pants.”

“That's sweet, but you won't need them where you're going.” And with that she turned around and crawled onto the bed. I was confused till I really gave her ass a proper look. In between the two meaty cheeks there was a small black handle.

“Bet you weren't expecting this from your Munster Mommy. Why you think I only have the one kid? My ass was made for cocks. Go on, take out the plug. Slowly! Aaahhh, that's it. I've been waiting for this all day. All the toys in the world can't compare to a real, warm and hard cock in your ass. Get up here and fuck me Tim!”

I wanted to obey right away, but as the toy finally popped out of her gaping hole, I stopped. Colleen never liked ass stuff, but everything in front of me tonight proved Beth was down for it. If not now, then when? So I leaned in and gave her a small love bite on her right cheek. She gave out a delighted squeal and her whole body shook. I did it again and again, moving in a line across her cheek toward her opening. I got right to the edge, stuck out my tongue and just ran it along her rim. The moan that came out of her sounded more like something out of a movie then real life. I circled her with my tongue three more times.

“That feels so fucking good Tim! But I need you inside of me! I can feel myself closing up, I need you in…AAAHHH!”

She was cut off as I spit into her gaping asshole and shoved three fingers inside of her. I fucked her with my fingers as I continued my line of love bites along her left cheek. I added a fourth finger into her asshole and she hit this note I thought would shatter glass. I worked my hand in and out, spreading my fingers as wide as I could once they were deep inside of her. She bent her arms and laid her head down on the bed, arching her back more to raise her ass a bit higher. Her right hand snaked under her and I saw her fingers quickly stroking her erect clit. I brought my left hand to my mouth and sucked on my index and middle finger till I had them good and wet, then slid them into her pussy.

She fell silent as I now had both her holes filled. Her pussy was so wet and warm, her walls gripping my digits tight. Once my fingers were in as deep in her pussy as they were her ass, I tried to touch my finger tips of each hand to the other. She gave this low moan as I moved my hands in concert, sliding back and forth, trying to touch, her own hand a blur on her clit. I twisted my hand in her pussy and found her g-spot. Her whole body stiffened and her breath came out in rapid gasps. Both holes clinched down so tight I could barely move. Finally her face relaxed and then her body followed. She began to tremble lightly as she came down from her peak.

I pulled my hands out of her and pressed down on her back till she was completely curled up in a turtle position, then put the head of my cock into her asshole.

“Oh…yes, yes, yes…fuck me….I need to cum again.” Her voice was distant and quiet and oh so cute. I pushed in slowly, as much for her comfort as mine. This hole was much tighter and didn't yield the way a pussy does, but the sensation was at least twice as intense. She whispered encouragement to me as I slowly sank in to the hilt. Once I had bottomed out I ran my hands up and down her back, caressing and massaging her as I then began to pull out. I stopped just before I left her completely and then pushed in, a little faster this time. I was thankful I had cum once already, I don't know if I'd be able to do this otherwise.

Each time my speed increased and Lily Munster was right there with me. Her moans grew louder as my pace quickened and she even began to rock into me. I reached up and grabbed her by her hair, pulling her head back as our bodies clapped together.

“THAT'S IT!! RIGHT THERE! DON'T STOP!!!” She shouted to be heard over the sound of my hips crashing into her ass. “FILL ME!!! CUM IN MY ASS!” As her last shout left her mouth her whole body seized again in her orgasmic delight. I bottomed out in her one final time and with my own primal roar began shooting deep into her.

Once done, I pulled out and fell over onto the very comfortable bed. She rolled away from me and found the butt plug she had used before and gently worked it back into place. Watching her cork up my cum in her ass would have made me hard all over again, if there had been any slack in the hose. Not sure what those pills she gave me were, but they worked like a charm.

She leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek, “That was so much fun! I hope we get to do this again.” She reached out her hand and stroked my very sensitive dick. I shuddered at her touch.

“Sorry to bust in on you, but haven't you had quite enough? I've come along way to…well…cum and I think it's my turn now.” A smoky voice came from the doorway. We both looked to see this glorious vision leaning against the door frame. I guess we had been too loud before to hear it open. I felt my blood quicken at the sight of Jackie. She had the big, jet black hair. Purple and black eye liner and shadow. Pale white skin with rouged cheeks. Crimson red lipstick. All in a dress of black satin that hugged every curve of her hour glass figure with a neckline so wide it barely contained her large and round breasts and plunged almost down to her navel, while the slit of the dress came up enough to show her thigh when she cocked her hips slightly like she was now. My Elvira wasn't wearing a bra or panties.

“Sorry I'm late, I would have been here earlier but my watch is like me,” and with this she reached up and cupped a breast in each hand and lifted up her more than ample cleavage, “you know, busted.” Then she let go and let gravity work on those massive pale tits. They bounced and rippled for a moment and I was mesmerized completely.

She shut the door behind her. “The staff at this hotel is a bit psychic and we wouldn't want you to go to bed as hungry as you are.” She said as she slinked toward me. I sat up, drinking in every bit of her. I don't know who did Beth and Jackie's costumes and makeup but they did a great job. “So I'm room service and you are about to eat your fill.”

“I don't see any food.” I said playing along.

“Kitchen was almost empty, so Chef Elvira made kitty.” And she brought her right leg up and put her foot against my chest. For a brief instant her dress moved to the side and I caught the briefest flash of pale pink lips and a hairless mound before she pressed hard enough to force me onto my back. As soon as I was down she was on me, crawling up my body.

“Sorry, you really need to eat this while its still warm.” And when she got her pelvis up to my face she began pulling her dress up. It all happened so fast, a ruffle of black fabric, a flash of pale white skin and pale pink, then darkness as she sat on my face. Her thighs squeezed the sides of my head as she began rocking herself over me. I felt her erect clit start at my chin, move up and over my lips, then stop when it touched my nose. She cooed and a shudder went through her frame, then she changed direction and moved back down.

This time I was ready and stuck out my tongue, felt her lips open and slide around it, tasted her salty and tart depths, then her clit and hood. She moaned this time.

“That's good Tim, just keep that tongue out. I love riding a man's face. Oh, that's it! That tongue feels so good on my little clit, then just peeking inside my tiny little pussy! Just back and forth, back and forAAAAH!” When she drug by this time I snapped my head to the right and sucked her right lip into my mouth and began caressing it with my tongue as I kept sucking on it. Her whole body tensed and suddenly her whole weight was on my head as she was panting. I reached up and grabbed her hips and took just enough of her weight in my hands that I wouldn't suffocate and just concentrated on working that one labia lip.

“THAT'S IT! Work that bubblegum baby!” She shouted, then I felt her lean back slightly and felt her fingers grab my cock. I got these soft and slow strokes as I switched my head to give the same attention to her other lip. Her moans were a dark melody in the room which turned into a cry of surprise as I readjusted again and snaked my tongue into her cavern.

“Oooh! That's nice, go where so many have gone before! Nice to know this is…OH FUCK…Colleen got that from. Of course she had to do it underwater but….DAMN….life is always harder for women.” Here she gripped me tight and held, “Well, some exceptions of course.”

The thought of Colleen giving oral to her girlfriend the same way I had given it to her spurred me on even more. I worked my tongue in her as far as I could while her erect clit rubbed against my nose. My fingers dug into her hips as she rode my face hard enough to leave bruises but my Elvira seemed to enjoy that as well. The sweet of her juice mixed with the salty of her sweat in this heady concoction and the smell of her arousal filling my nose had me drunk on her. I adjusted her slightly, not more than an inch or two, till I felt her clit and hood on my tongue then quickly sucked both into my mouth.

Her hand left my cock and suddenly her full weight was directly over my head as I sucked her into me. I heard her breath catch, then come out in staccato bursts. Felt her fingers tangle into my hair as she tried to drive herself further into my mouth. Then I started to hum. I chose This is Halloween as my musical number, though I doubt anyone could hear it over her cries. I was half way through the song when she ground down on me harder than before and tensed all over, a deep moan ripped from her lips and suddenly I was drenched. I held her in place as she squirted again and again, practically bathing me in her girl cum.

She fell off of me and curled up, breathing heavily and shaking. I was gasping for breath myself but I rolled over and hugged her to me, rubbing her back gently and I just waited for her breathing to steady. When it had, my hand that had been on her back began trailing down her side, over her thigh, and was headed between her legs when she grabbed my wrist, “No more. She can't take any more captain.”

I guess the disappointment I felt made it to my face cause she cupped my face in one hand, “Aww, don't make that face. There's still more for Timmy! I mean I'm not famous for my pussy, should be but can't even get that on HBO, but for these.” And with that she pulled her dress apart enough that her breasts popped into full view in all of their glory.

I like breasts, all shapes and sizes, no particular preference. I love Colleen's perfect little B cups that fit in my hands just so nicely with her puffy nipples just begging for my mouth. Lily Munster's were nice and big, long and saggy, but these giants looked like they came from a fantasy world. They were huge and almost perfectly round, practically defying gravity. Just this mass of delicious cream colored skin before getting to this pinkish red areola topped by a short but thick and hard nipple of the same color.

“You want to fuck Elvira's tits?”

I was speechless, my jaw hung open and she just laughed at the look on my face. She grabbed some pillows and propped herself up a bit, “Lily dear, would you be a doll?”

As if by magic Lily Munster was suddenly there behind Elvira with a bottle of oil in her hand. She squirted a large amount into her left palm, set the bottle down and then began rubbing it onto Elvira's breasts.

“Mmmm…that feels amazing Beth…your hands are so warm.”

“We're supposed to stay in character.” Beth reminded Jackie.

“Like Tim cares? He's watching the girl who's ass he just fucked give an oil massage to the tits he's fixing to fuck. If he knows his own name its a miracle.”

Can't say she was wrong, I was mesmerized as those small hands caressed and kneaded those magnificent large breasts. The way they glistened in the light, shook like bowls of jello when shaken, and just responded to Beth's slightest touch. Jackie or Elvira closed her eyes and just reveled in the other woman's touch and gave a little cry as her nipples were pinched lightly when Lily finished.

“All done, why don't you give them a try Tim.” Lily said.

I straddled Elvira and quickly moved up till the tip of my cock was just at the bulge of her breasts. Elvira reached up, placing a hand on each one and squeezed them together. She looked right at me, a sparkle in her eyes and just nodded her head. We both moaned as I slowly plunged into her cleavage. The feel of her slick breasts molding around my shaft was amazing. I'd only seen this kind of thing in porn, never thought I'd be with a woman who suggested it. My whole cock disappeared in that avalanche of tit flesh and I just wanted to stay there surrounded by all that oily warmth.

“Come on, fuck these tits! Ride my chest like you did Lily's ass. I want these mountains shaking till you bust between them like a volcano of cum! Having a cock buried between my tits feels so good and your cum is the best lotion a girl can ask for. I bet your balls are heavy with all that cum for me. Oooh! That's it! Feels good doesn't it, warm as a pussy but softer. Watch them bounce with your every thrust! My nipples are so hard right now.”

As if on cue, Lily joined us on the bed and while I'm lost to pumping myself in and out of Elvira's breasts, she leaned over and sucked Elvira's right nipple into her mouth. Elvira cried out as her friend sucked her while I fucked her. Her moans mingled with my own as I gave myself over completely to the wonderful sensation of those bounteous breasts, thrust forward one final time and came hard.

Elvira screamed in surprise and delight as strand after strand of my hot cum launched from between her tits to hit her face, mouth and throat. I'm not sure I've ever shot that much before. Lily picked her head up and cheered me on till the last shot was fired.

“Well they finally are snow covered peaks.” Elvira said with a laugh.

“Not for long.” Lily said and then bent her head down to Elvira's cleavage and began eating my cum off of her chest. Elvira let out a moan as Lily worked quickly to suck up every last bit.

“Have you enjoyed your evening, bubeleh?” A cool, even alto voice effortlessly filled the room. I turned to face the doorway and froze at the gothic vision standing before me. The wavy jet black hair, the pale white skin, the black satin hobble dress that showed off everything even as it covered every inch, the fitted sleeves with the gauzy fluted endings, even the tentacle tails to end the dress. My breath caught as the woman of my dreams appeared as my greatest Halloween fantasy. Even the look on her face was pure Carolyn Jones.

She moved forward with slow half steps, that dress showing off the sway of her hips as she made her way towards the bed and let the door close behind her.

“Damn girl! I don't know if we should take that dress off of you or leave it on!” Elvira shouted, echoing the thoughts in my own head. Morticia just ignored the comment and in an imperious tone said, “You two off the bed. Come to me Mon Amour.”

I swallowed hard even as I knew my line, “Tish! That's French!” And ran over to her. She languidly extended her right arm and I kissed from the tips of her blood red fingernails up to her neck. She didn't even turn her head in my direction, like she was above everything. I wanted to rip this dress off of her, pin her to the bed, and fuck her till she screamed my name from that perfect expression of haughty boredom.

“That's enough of that dear. Now tell me, did you like your two diversions?”

“Very much. Though Lily seems to have cleaned up all the evidence.” I let my hands trace her outline as we watched Lily and Elvira disentangle from each other and get up to move across the room.

“You've been a poor host dear. So far Lily has been the only one you've offered a drink. Elvira and I are thirsty as well.” She grabbed my arm and walked me to the bed and sat me on the edge. Elvira started to walk toward me but Morticia held up a hand, “I believe Mrs. Munster has some bottled for you dear.”

The look on Elvira's face was priceless as she went from confused to shock, disgusted, and then turned on. Morticia and I watched as the two women arranged themselves on the floor and then Elvira uncorked Lily's ass. Lily sat on Elvira's face, looking down her body so she could play with those huge tits while getting her ass eaten out.

Morticia and I watched for a bit before she turned back around to face me, “Sorry dear, bottled is fine in a pinch but I do prefer fresh squeezed.” And with that she bent over, took my tip between her precious little lips and gripped my shaft in her right hand and got to work. The feel of her mouth over the head of my cock, her tongue swirling around as her hand slid up and down, watching her sexy little bubble butt dance happily as she was bent over in front of me, the moans of Lily and the noisy slurping from Elvira, it was all just too much!

I reached down and picked her head off of my cock and brought her up for a hard kiss. She responded just as eagerly as our tongues entwined. My hands found the clasp on the back of her dress and we both worked to peel it off of her. Watching her skin slowly reveal itself as we fought the skin tight dress made it more rewarding. I cheered when her breasts were finally released and immediately latched onto her left nipple, sucking the puffy nub into my mouth, causing her to cry out. The dress came away easier as we moved down her stomach, but it was a battle of inches as we got to her hips. I kissed and nipped at her sexy belly as I finally started to win against the dress and was shocked to see that as her mound started to appear, it was now clean shaven with a henna tattoo of a spider web displayed proudly.

“Do you like it?” She asked hesitantly.

“I love it! I'm the luckiest man alive.” I say before leaning in and nuzzling and kissing her, tracing my tongue along each strand of webbing. As I played along her venus mound, I also managed to get that damn dress off of her. She stepped out of it and kicked off her heels and started getting into bed.

I dived towards my pants and pulled out the condoms I had, tore one open and quickly rolled it on. I turned to see her on her left side, her head propped up in her left hand, her right leg sticking up in the air and her right hand playing with her clit as she looked at me with such passion and longing.

I ran to the bed and as I got on she rolled onto her back, keeping her legs wide, I could see her pussy was literally dripping. I settled between her legs and was fixing to push in, when she reached out her right arm, “Stop.”

I froze in confusion till her hand dropped down to my dick where she slowly peeled the condom off. I stared at her in stunned silence. We'd never done it without a condom, it was one of her rules. Now though with the condom discarded she was pulling me towards her, I shuddered as I felt that first touch of my cock head to her labia, “Happy Halloween, Tim. Trick or treat.” She said with a seductive smirk and a wicked gleam in her eye.

I plunged into her, covered her body with mine as we both cried out as I bottomed out, our pelvises doing their best to fuse together. Her arms wrapped around my neck as I set a furious pace, my mind gone in a haze of animalistic lust as I just fucked my woman. Her voice filled the room in an erotic aria as I grunted with every deep thrust. So warm, so tight, so wet, I was lost in the sensations. Her cries got louder as her walls tightened around me and then she bit her bottom lip hard and her eyes clinched shut and her little pussy squeezed me so hard as she came on my cock. Then she did it again and again. I kept fucking her as hard as I could as her orgasms chained together, each one fueling up the next.

Her eyes flew open and she looked straight into my soul, “Cum for me Tim.” Her voice was breathless and I almost didn't hear it, but my body responded immediately. I thrust in one final time and held there as my cock began shooting off. I was on another plane of existence as my balls expelled shot after shot, she moaned as she felt me pulse inside of her each time.

We stayed bound like that till I shrank back down, both of us completely spent. I moved down her body till my head rested just under the swell of her breasts, I could hear her heartbeat as I lay against her and smiled as I felt her hand come up to run her fingers lazily through my hair.

“What if you got pregnant tonight?” I asked, too tired to actually be nervous about that.

“If its a girl, we'll name her Wednesday.” She said contentedly as we both drifted off to sleep.

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