Love after marriage

I am viplav. I live in Delhi. I work for an it firm. My parents live in jaipur. I am the only child. It was one of my dad's friends daughter marriage at jaiselmer. They told me to come with them. As it was 3 day weekend. I took one extra day leave. And went for jaisalmer after office. I reached there.

Next day was wedding. We were best of friends during 2nd std. I met her once during 10th std. Though see messaged me many times. But I never replied back. I told dad no need to come. Just send me address. Meanwhile I reached there. Dads friend thanked me for coming. He said your parents are out with janvi uncles daughter. I said no issues. He said janvi is dying to meet you. I kept my bag in room. Then I went outside. I did lunch with them.

They asked me about job. I said it's good. Everything going well. He asked me about marriage plans. I said no plans for another 5 years. I have many things in line. One of the uncle asked like. I said you will get to know. I then told him I am going to meet one of my friend. He works here. He said ok. I went to his place. We chatted a bit. He insisted me to stay at his place for tonight. I said only on one condition we will have night out. He said ok. We took his car. We roamed in city in night.We went to a bar. We had drinks. We danced.

When we came outside we were not in our senses. We were doing mad things. He asked me let me drive. I said know I have confidence I can drive. I dont have trust on anyone when I am drunk. We went to soda shop. We had sodas. I took one water bottle. And split water on my eyes. I came in somewhat senses. I started driving. In the way. I hit one car. It was swift dzire. As far as I remember. A girl came down from car. She started scolding us. I was listening. I was not able to figure out her face. T wa blurred. I also started saying mean things to her. I called her witch. I abused her took bike and went for home.i ran bike with full speed. We reached his home. We went to sleep somehow. I then woke up next day. I asked him what happened last night. He said I dont remember. I said I think I hit a car may be swift. A girl was abusing me. I dont know whether I was in dream.

Then he said ok. I told him don't take your bike outside. I got call from dad. He said where are you. I said I am at friends house. will come till 1:00 he said no come now. I said but. I quickly took bath. I told him I will come before leaving jaiselmer. He said promise me. I said I promise. I said why dont you come. He said no he had to leave for Jaipur. He has some work. I left then. Dad asked to me receive some relatives from station. He sent me their photo. I received them. They were quite generous. We reached there. Mom told me to to go to market with cooking staff. And get all the things. I said I was hoping for a descent vacation. I dont want to be staff. Mom said shut up and go. I dive back to market. It took 3 hours to get all things. I reached at 4:00 to the place. I did lunch

Then I went to market again for some work. I then reached at night 9:00 pm. Uncle told me look after wedding Hall at hotels. And see guests resting place. I then went . Management was really great. The man in charge said not to worry. Everything is going fine. I told him I am tired. Is there any place I can sleep. He said there is a guest room. I said thanks. He woke me up after 1 hour. He said there is some problem of chairs. I called uncle and it got arranged. One of uncles relatives came with chair. He said let's go everything is well and good. I told him no worries I will stay here at night. If these guys face any problem. He said ok. My mom called then. He said have you done dinner. I said I will do in sometime. She said janvi wants to talk to you. Janvi started abusing me you dog you are always so busy. You never got a chance to meet me once in whole day. You never reply to my messages. Who are you prime minister of India or cm of some state. Why you are so busy. She said I dont know anything you are coming now.

I started laughing. I heard all ladies were laughing. Dad told me janvi is somewhat of childish nature. I said do you have any filter in your mouth. You haven't changed 1% since childhood. Still a kid from pre nursery. She said I don't know anything you are meeting me know. I said it's already 11:00.i will meet you tommorow. She said no I know you will get busy tommorow. I said you wait i am coming. My mom scolded her. Crazy girl it's 11:00 . You are not going anywhere. And tommorow is your wedding day. Mom hung up the phone. I did my dinner with staffs. I then went to road to have a walk. I was walking when suddenly someone came and hugged me from back. It was a girl of 5 feet 7 inch ht. Figure of 32-26-34.she was milky white. She had brown hair. She was wearing salwar suit. When I turned she was shocked seeing me. She started abusing me. You rascal. I am calling my friend. He is my childhood friend. I said what did I do to you. She said you don't remember. Don't do drama.

I said I dont even know who you are. Then she started shouting viplav. A staff came and told me brother why this girl is calling your name in front of you. I understood she is janvi. I said I am viplav you silly girl. She said you. She smiled and hugged me. Then when seperated then she slapped me hard. I said what did I do. Then she slapped again. She said first was for you did not call me even when I mmesaaged you a lot of times. Second was for you misbehaved with me last night. I said i know I was drunk enough last night. I hit a car. She said yes sweety this is car you hit. I said then I had a fight with girl. I think I misbehaved badly. She said you told me bitch, witch ,pussy, asshole and lot of other things. I said you look too sexy when you abuse. She smiled.

Then I said let's go to disco. She said i have come for just half hour. I said don't worry relax. I said call the person whoever is watching your back. She said she is my cousin. She called her. I told her listen it's her last night as bachelor. We are going to enjoy. You close all doors window of room and switch off light. We will be back in 1 . 5 hour. We went to disco. She asked me about any girlfriend. I said i am single now. Not looking for anyone. Looking to prepare for upsc. She said nice prep with job. I said what about you. She said I am a journalist working for a local news channel. I said i know that tell about your guy. She said he is a software engineer like you. Not so cool unlikee you. Nerd as all engineers are. I asked arrange marriage. She said obviously. My father wanted me to get married soon. He is suffering from heart disease. He wanted me to get settled. You know after mom died. He is the only one who look after me. I said from now onward. Consider me as your guarding angel. I will be there for your whole life. don't feel alone. She said thanks. She got tears in her eyes. I hugged her tightly. She told me why you didn't wanted to marry me. I said didn't wanted to marry anyone. That's why I said no. I then told her let's go home. I told her you look like barbie doll. She said are you flirting. I said no but your husband is a lucky guy. We then to wedding Hall. I asked manager about everything. He said you go home. Nothing to worry about. We went towards home. I told her to go and sleep. I will sleep. She said you go to room on roof and sleep there. There is bed.

I woke up at 9:00.then I took bath. Everyone were gone for weeding. I took bath. I changed my clothes and wore an style kurta pyjamas. When I reached there it was chaos. Bride family were going back. I asked wedding manager what happened. He said grooms father was asking for more money. there I saw janvi crying. Uncle was crying too. Dad was consoling him too. . Mom was consoling janvi. Janvi was wearing red saree. It was her moms saree. She had applied dark red lipstick. She was looking like an angel. Everyone were abusing janvi first she killed her mother in childhood. Now wants to kill his father too. They were saying mean things. I got angry. I don't know what happened to me at that time. I went to janvi. She hugged me seeing me. I asked her will you marry me. My mom was shocked hearing this. It was like She had got electric shock. I then went to my father and then called mom. And asked them. Do u guys have any problem. if I marry janvi. They said no. Uncle folded his hands towards me and said thanks. Mom said I always wanted janvi as my daughter in law. But you don't want to get married. So we didn't pressurize you. We got married. Everyone was silent in Hall. What suddenly happened. I was trying to make janvi laugh. But she was in state of shock. Married happened. Functions ended. We came to Jaipur same day with janvi. Dad was driving car. I and janvi were sittting in back.i was trying to make her laugh but she was still in state of shock. In midway janvi feel asleep on my shoulder. I took her on my lap. And rested her leg on seat. Mom smiled from mirror. I didn't give any reaction. i told dad to stop car after sometime. I need to pee. Dad told mom to sit in back. As janvi is still sleeping. Mom took her head on her lap. Janvi was in deep sleep. I and dad were peeing on road. Janvi woke up. Mom told if police men saw you guys peeing on road. They will change the colour of your bums to different colours in police station. Janvi started laughing. We heard her laughs. Then dad said. Boys are lions. I said king of jungle. And king do whatever they wnt. Mom did mischieve. She played ringtone of police jeep. Dad got scared. I finished dmy pee. Mom knew I don't give a damn to anything.

Then I told dad I will drive. You drive in tortoise speed. We wash our hands. Dad sat beside me. I ran the suv at 120 kmp/hr. Dad was continously abusing and scolding me throughout the journey. You rascal slow down. Do you want to kill me or want to give me heart attack. This is my new suv. If anything happens to me or this suv I will kill you. I am writing all my will to janvi. I dont trust you. Janvi and mom were cintinously laughing. There was slope were car rose aboout 4 feet. Dad said stop the car. I am never giving my car to you to drive ever in my life. Janvi said yes dad. He drives very rough. Remember the drunk guy I was telling you about who misbehaved with me and abused me and hit dads car. He was the one. After that he didn't tell sorry. he raced his bike with full speed. Mom said I will make sure your licensee gets cancel for such driving. They were scared. I said wait for 15 min and we will be in Jaipur. Dad said yes and your mother and I will be in hospital or heavenn. I said don't worry. Nothing will happen.

We reached in home in next 20 min. I told mom you guys were doing just drama. It was already night. We did our dinner at dhabha. Mom said go to sleep kids. You guys must have been tired. Janvi scolded me are you crazy. Why you drive like mad. What will happen to us if anything happens to you. I said us. She said yes. We love you we care for you. What will be our condition if anything happens to you. I said sorry jan. I asked can I call you jan in private. Its short for janvi. She said why in private. I said they will tease me. She smiled. moms moan started coming from her room. Aah yes aah baby harder aah yess ooh. Let me tell you about my mom. She is 42 years old. She has figure of 38-32-38. She is white complexion. Janvi was shocked. I said welcome to family. They fuck like rabbits. 3-4 times a day. She said at this age. Yes. They don't do sex only during her periods. She said oh. She said she never experienced anything like that. Moms moan increased. Aah yes baby aa deeper baby more deeper. I asked her you wanna see. She said yes. I took her to kitche. There was small window at 7 feet. I was raising her. I bought the tool . I also stood up on 2nd tool. Dad was fucking mom in the dogy position. He fucked her for other 10 min and ejaculated inside her. Mom said I am in periods.time has come to see our grandchildren not our children. Dad told I am going to washroom. We got down and ran to our room. And closed the door. She was hugging me. I will tell you what happened next.

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