How i fucked my maids daughter

Hi im sam from goa im 21.So lets come to the story which happened 1 week ago the heroin of my story is puja {name changed for privacy concen} when my maid used to come for work she used to bring her sometimes at my place as she was of my age we became close friends we used to chat on whatsapp etc. one day we went for a picnic in resort we had some snacks and went in the pool i used to see here figure woww it was damn hot she have small boobs an nice round asss ive gone carzy by looking at her i moved near her an touched her navels she was confused by my move she kept quite and gave me a sexy look soon she turned my tool into 90 so we had lots of fun that day.

Days passed while we were chatting i asked her why you gave me a naughty smile?
She: why u touched me on my navel
Me:while swimming my hand touched you
She: I know what are u upto
Me:Hahaha ya im upto
She: youll be my bf?
Me: yes baby i will

Our chat continued that night as i stay alone in my house i told her to come tomorrow at my place with her mom next day she came while her mom used to cock we went in my bedroom i opened my laptop an showed her porn as i was in my boxers my tool began to erect an its hard like a rod as she was by my side she slowly rubbed her hand ontop of my boxers ohhh woww i was in heaven i grabbed her an started to kiss on lips we exchanged our saliva for 5mins an ive put my hand in her boobs start to squeez her nipples than i told her to give me a blowjob she sucked an than i told to go near mom so she dont have doubt on us soon she came back i was shaking my tool she told to fuck her hardddd i removed her jeans and licked her pussy for several minutes by the time she sucked my tool like a whore than i told her to come on doggystyle i fucked her in that positions and tried all position atlast i was about to cum she kneeled down and i cummed in her mouth she drank every bit of it.

As this is my first story ive wrote how i can so please understand me an if any unsatisfied woman of any age needs me…

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